John Williams hospitalizado – No dirigirá el concierto de Londres en el Royal Albert Hall

ACTUALIZACIÓN: 28/10/2018 – John Williams evoluciona favorablemente y volverá a Los Ángeles en breve (ver noticia)


Según noticia de última hora recibida del Royal Albert Hall, John Williams ha caído enfermo a su llegada a Londres y ha tenido que ser hospitalizado. Según las fuentes oficiales, su situación no reviste peligro, pero no podrá dirigir el concierto que estaba previsto este viernes 26 de octubre en el Royal Albert Hall. El concierto se mantiene, y en su lugar será Dirk Brossé quien se ponga al frente de la London Symphony Orchestra.


A continuación la nota oficial completa del Royal Albert Hall:

“Unfortunately, owing to a last-minute illness, John Williams greatly regrets that he is no longer able to conduct this concert with the London Symphony Orchestra.


John travelled to London but was taken ill and is in hospital, where he is receiving very good care. It is his wish that the performance should go ahead, and his colleague and dear friend Maestro Dirk Brossé has kindly agreed to conduct the LSO for this very special event.


Mr. Williams’ management said:

«John is so sorry that an illness prevents him from conducting Friday’s concert, and he’s grateful to his friend Maestro Dirk Brossé for taking the podium in his place. He so wishes he could be with everyone, and the knowledge that 5,000 of his friends will be joining together to celebrate his music is a great comfort to him as he recovers. He wishes everyone a very joyous evening of music.”


Brossé is Music Director of the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, and John Williams chose him as Principal Conductor of the Star Wars in Concert World Tour.


The Royal Albert Hall, London Symphony Orchestra and Dirk Brossé wish Maestro Williams well for a speedy recovery.


We do hope that you will enjoy this very special evening. If you have any questions please contact the box office on 020 7589 8212 with the name and order number attached to your booking.


If you have booked Hospitality tickets we will contact you directly.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Royal Albert Hall on Friday.


Yours faithfully,

Royal Albert Hall”




Desde aquí le deseamos una pronta y completa recuperación al maestro John Williams!!