2024-09-27 – 10:55 h


An indisputable genius as a composer of music for the cinema (Bullitt, Dirty Harry, Lucky the Cold Hand, Operation Dragon, The Cincinnati Kid…) and for some of the most popular TV series (Mannix, Mission:Impossible, Starsky and Hutch…), the Argentinian Lalo Schifrin – born in Buenos-Aires in 1932 – studied with Olivier Messiaen at the Paris Conservatoire before starting to work for Hollywood in 1964. Thirty years his junior, Frenchman Jean-Michel Bernard, equally virtuoso pianist, composer, arranger and orchestrator, shares with the great master a strong sense of melody, an innate pre-science of rhythm to illustrate actions, and a pronounced taste for lush orchestration. Like Bernard, he’s an eclectic, open-minded musician, a composer with an erudite yet popular approach who has always strived to fuse the classical music from which they come with the jazz to which they are both so passionate.


Jean-Michel Bernard, who took up the piano at the tender age of two (!), wrote his first compositions in his teens, before going on to work with London’s prestigious Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of nineteen, while pursuing a career in jazz, notably in trio with the Moutin brothers. Like his mentor, he has become a specialist in music for images, working for such illustrious filmmakers as Michel Gondry (for whom he is the appointed composer), as well as Chatillez, Veber, Chabrol and Tavernier, among others. “JMB”, as he is known, has also signed the scores of numerous commercials, documentaries and cartoons, and remains the creator of various radio theme tunes for France Inter, where he was musical director of l’Oreille en Coin. Barded with awards and prestigious nominations, author of a vast discography, the man who has been a member of the Academy of Oscars since last year is rightly considered a masterful pyrotechnician, as defined by the immense Ray Charles, whom JMB accompanied from 2000 to 2003, playing the Hammond B3 organ in his quartet.




  • Jean-Michel Bernard – dirección, piano, teclados
  • Pierre Boussaguet – contrabajo
  • François Laizeau – batería
  • Jean-François Durez – percusión
  • Philippe Hervouët – guitarra
  • Frédéric Couderc – saxofones
  • Sylvain Gontard – trompeta
  • Kimiko Ono – voz