2024-05-07 – 21:10 h
Be among the first in Canada to experience the excitement and adrenaline-fueled drama of this incredible symphonic music, as the Toronto Symphony Orchestra brings the epic universes of The Witcher 3, World of Warcraft, Ori, The Elder Scrolls, Assassin‘s Creed, Guild Wars 2, BioShock, and many others to the Roy Thomson Hall!
Featuring concert premieres of stunning symphonic music from an unprecedented lineup of blockbuster video games, Game ON! combines unrivaled symphonic arrangements with stunning, never before seen HD video!
- Cuándo: Sábado, 24 de mayo y domingo, 25 de mayo de 2024 a las 19:30h
- Dónde: Roy Thomson Hall (Toronto, Canadá)
- Entradas: 96-142 CAD (65-96 €) – https://www.tso.ca/concerts-and-events/events/game-on/
- Evento Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/853809229904973/
- Más información: https://roythomsonhall.mhrth.com/tickets/tso-game-on
- Más información: https://gameonconcert.com/
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