2023-07-09- 20:45 h

El renombrado Hollywood Music Workshop – Summer Academy 2023 comenzó hace apenas un par de días (leer más) y junto con ASMAC – American Society of Music Arrangers and Composers, presentará un seminario gratuito online este martes 11 de julio de 2023, donde la directora de orquesta y productora ganadora del Grammy, Amy Andersson, hablará sobre su clase “Composers Conducting Immersion”.


El seminario incluirá temas como (en inglés):

  • Develop baton grip and body posture that is both commanding and relaxed.
  • Effectively utilize the techniques of legato, staccato, rebound, pendulum, ictus, breath, preparatory beats, fermatas, cutoffs, ritardando, and accelerando gestures.
  • Develop gestures and independence for both right and left hands.
  • Conduct with and without a baton in both orchestral and choral settings and understand the technical differences required for both.
  • Navigate and conduct mixed meters.
  • Conduct with click tracks that use punches and streamers.
  • Conduct expressively and retain musicality when conducting to click.
  • Score scan, mark scores, and develop an individual notational language.
  • Effectively prepare mentally and physically for a conducting session or rehearsal.
  • Learn to conduct every size of ensemble, from a string quartet to a 95-piece orchestra.
  • Time manage a concert orchestra rehearsal using a timed rehearsal plan.
  • Effectively communicate verbally with orchestra musicians.
  • Recognize the impact of podium, rehearsal, and stage etiquette.


Cuándo: Martes, 11 de julio de 2023 a las 20:00h – CEST

Otros horarios: LA 11am | Perú y NY 2pm | Londres 7pm | París 8pm | Sydney 4am (+1 día)

Dónde: En línea – Zoom

Más información e inscripción gratuita: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/asmac-and-hmw-present-conducting-seminar-with-amy-andersson-tickets-655867396037


Más información sobre Hollywood Music Workshop aquí:
