2023-04-08 – 13:40 h

El sitio web oficial de Howard Shore ha publicado un comunicado en el que denuncia los conciertos no oficiales y de baja calidad, mencionando especialmente a “Der Herr der Ringe und der Hobbit” en Alemania y “The Music of The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit” en el Reino Unido, ambos producidos por Star Entertainment. De hecho, existe una demanda en curso para que se suspendan estos conciertos.


Estos conciertos, no sólo tienen música de arreglos piratas no autorizados que no están al nivel de calidad establecido por Howard Shore, sino que también muchas veces se posponen o cancelan unos días antes del espectáculo, debido a la baja venta de entradas u otras razones «imprevistas».


A continuación se puede leer el comunicado oficial completo:






We feel it is necessary to alert fans and followers of The Lord of the Rings in Concert that there are a number of concerts that have no association with Howard Shore in the UK and Germany being billed as “Der Herr der Ringe und der Hobbit” or “The Music of The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit” produced by Star Entertainment. Please be warned, Howard Shore has nothing to do with these concerts. There is a current lawsuit in process to have the concerts stopped. The music that is being played is assembled from unauthorized bootleg arrangements and not at the standard of quality insisted upon by Howard Shore.


We are so disappointed to hear of the recent disaster in Portsmouth UK at the Portsmouth Guildhall on April 1, 2023. The Guildhall should not have initially booked the concert or allowed the performance go on. If you were an audience member at any of the “Der Herr der Ringe und der Hobbit” productions by Star Entertainment, we would suggest you contact the hall for a full refund.


The wonderful fans of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films deserve better than these subpar productions.


Howard Shore and CAMI Music are committed to presenting only the highest quality performances of The Lord of the Rings in Concert using the original scores created by Howard Shore himself for these concerts from his award-winning composition performed live to the entire films.


Upcoming performance dates of music from The Lord of the Rings that have been prepared by Howard Shore himself for live performance are listed below. Any other concerts of The Lord of the Rings music have not been prepared by Mr. Shore. We continually update HowardShore.com as performances are scheduled, so check back regularly for new concert dates and locations.




And on: https://www.lordoftheringsinconcert.com


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Live to Projection

Barcelona, Spain

April 14 – 16, 2023


Madrid, Spain

October 6 – 8, 2023



The Two Towers

Live to Projection

Cleveland Orchestra, Blossom Festival – July 28-30, 2023


Royal Albert Hall, London – September 22-24, 2023



The Return of the King

Live to Projection

In France in October:


Strasbourg, France – October 20, 2023

Paris, France – October 21 – 22, 2023

Lyon, France – October 24, 2023

Nantes, France – October 27, 2023

Bordeaux, France – October 28, 2023

Lille, France – October 30 – 31, 2023


Dentro de unos días, la “Trilogía de El Señor de los Anillos” completa se proyectará con música en directo en Barcelona, en una producción oficial, con la Orquesta Sinfónica del Vallés dirigida por Ludwig Wicki, a quienes se unirán los coros Cor Madrigal, Cor Bruckner y el coro infantil Cor Vivaldi.


Se puede leer más sobre este estupendo y oficial evento de tres días aquí:
