2022-07-20 – 21:25 h
San Diego Comic-Con tendrá su edición de 2022 del 21 al 24 de julio, y el jueves 21 celebrará la conferencia “From Script to Screen: Behind the Camera of Film and TV” con los compositores Ryan Shore y James Chapple.
Descripción oficial:
“Step into your favorite films and television shows from the people who created them! Industry professionals discuss their work and how all the elements come together to set the scene, from preproduction to postproduction! Featuring music supervisor Jennifer Smith (Why Women Kill, Behind the Music), director Peter Chatmon (The Flight Attendant episode 205), composer Ryan Shore (Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures, Star Wars Forces of Destiny), chief creative officer Jason Michael Primrose (Lost Children of Andromeda), director Wendey Stanzler (Made for Love, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), and composer James Chapple of Voodoohighway Music Group (Total Drama, Paw Patrol). Moderated by actor and content creator Chris Villain. Part 2 of the Impact24 PR Superblock Panel Series.”
- Cuándo: Jueves 21 de julio de 2022 a las 12:00h
- Dónde: San Diego Convention Center – Room 7AB (San Diego, CA, EEUU)
- Más información: https://www.eventeny.com/events/comiccon-2022-3116/?action=schedule-item&action_ops[item_id]=19540
- Página web oficial: https://www.comic-con.org/frontpage