SoundTrack_Cologne 17 [NUEVAS FECHAS]

El congreso SoundTrack_Cologne, que ya anunció la celebración de su 17ª edición del miércoles 22 al sábado 25 de abril de 2020 en Colonia (Alemania), se ha visto obligado a cambiar las fechas y volver al mes de agosto este año (miércoles 19 – sábado 22 de agosto de 2020), debido a las cuarentenas provocadas por la pandemia del Coronavirus COVID-19.


Anuncio oficial:

SoundTrack_Cologne 17 moved from April to August (August 19th – 22th, 2020), film festival SEE THE SOUND takes place in April (April 22nd – 26th, 2020)


Due to the current situation regarding the corona virus, the congress SoundTrack_Cologne 17 will be moved from April to August (August 19th – 22th 2020). MATRIX composer Don Davis, guest of honor and receiver of the Lifetime Achievement Award, has confirmed the new date and will accept the prize at the Award Ceremony on Saturday, August 22nd.


The nominees of the competitions ‘European Talent Competition’ and ‘Peer Raben Music Award’ will be announced by the end of April.


The accreditations remain valid. Participants who are unable to attend the new date are asked to contact SoundTrack_Cologne from April 6th at the following e-mail address:


The film festival SEE THE SOUND will take place as planned in April (April 22nd – 26th, 2020) – with some restrictions.”


Más información sobre SoundTrack_Cologne:


Página web oficial:

