2017-11-11 – 12:52 h
A selection of scenes from Finnish documentaries Tale of a Forest (Metsän Tarina – 2012) and Tale of a Lake (Järven Tarina – 2016) with music composed by Panu Aaltio, will be presented live today on a big screen at the Espoo Metro Arena (Espoo, Finland). The music will be performed by the Vantaan Viihdeorkesterin (Vantaa Entertainment Orchestra) accompanied by a 40-person choir and soloist Johanna Kurkela.
When: Saturday 11th of November 2017 at 18:30 p.m.
Where: Espoo Metro Arena (Espoo, Finland)
Tickets: 38,5 – 78,5 € – http://www.metroareena.fi/en/node/601
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/334241360324424/