2019-06-12 – 10:30 h
German composer Gary Marlowe will perform a concert of his music next Saturday, June 15th in Emden (Germany), during the 30th edition of the Internationales Filmfest Emden-Norderney festival.
Marlowe, who composed the music to more than 30 theatrical and TV productions, including multi-award winning documentaries, will play piano, synthesizers & electronics, being joined by cello player Tiziana Gasparoni. The event will include a presentation and workshop interview hosted by Edzard Wagenaar.
When: Saturday, June 15th, 2019 at 14:30h
Where: Neue Kirche Emden (Emden, Germany)
Tickets: 8 € – https://gezeitenkonzerte.ostfriesischelandschaft.de/veranstaltung/filmmusik-komponistenportraet-gary-marlowe/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/613036519169122/
More information: https://www.filmfest-emden.de/en/program/films-a-z/gezeitenkonzerte-goes-filmfest-ein-filmmusikkomponist-im-portrait-gary-marlowe/