2020-12-01 – 13:55 h
El sábado 26 de diciembre, la RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra, bajo la batuta de la directora en los Oscars y premiada compositora Eimear Noone, ofrecerán presentará un concierto gratuito online muy especial titulado Eímear Noone’s ‘Pure Imagination’.
A ellos se unirán los vocalistas Sibéal y Jack L, en un evento presentado por Aedín Gormley (Movies and Musicals).
El programa del concierto será el siguiente:
En palabras de Eimear Noone: “This concert is extremely important to me. Right now, people need their music more than ever and we all need a bit of a lift. We have chosen inspirational music which we hope will keep spirits high. I’m so thrilled to work with the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra again. To be able to make this performance happen during this very challenging time in all our lives and, at a time when we can’t all be together at the concert hall, to know we can still reach audiences in Ireland and beyond with RTÉ lyric fm and rte.ie/culture is truly a great joy.”
Cuándo: Sábado 26 de diciembre de 2020 a las 13:00h
Dónde: RDS Concert Hall – Online
Entradas: Gratis – https://bit.ly/2VkdfP0