¡El Royal Albert Hall reabre sus puertas el 29 de mayo de 2021!

¡Buenas noticias! El Royal Albert Hall, que lleva cerrado al público desde el 17 de marzo de 2020, ha anunciado que volverá a abrir sus puertas el 29 de mayo de 2021, para empezar con las celebraciones de su 150 aniversario.


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“The Royal Albert Hall’s 150th anniversary celebrations will properly begin on 29 May, as audiences return to the venue for socially-distanced events.


A typically eclectic programme for the first week includes family concerts led by the in-house Albert’s Band, the Royal Choral Society singing Handel’s Messiah – an annual tradition since 1876 – and events spotlighting country music and ballet.


Subject to the next stage of the government’s roadmap going ahead as planned, the Hall will then re-open to the public with full capacity from 6 July. Aside from staging three 1,000-capacity events in December, the venue has been closed to audiences since 17 March 2020.”


Se puede obtener más información sobre el esperado espectáculo “David Arnold’s A Circle of Sound” del lunes 19 de julio, aquí:



Más eventos relacionados con la música de cine en el Royal Albert Hall:



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