Evento especial de presentación del álbum ‘Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror’ en Transilvania con Christopher Young

El 13 de octubre, Warner Classics presenta el estreno mundial de la partitura original del legendario músico de terror Christopher Young para el clásico del cine mudo de vampiros de 1922, ‘Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror / Una Sinfonía del Horror (Nosferatu)’, con la presencia del compositor. Además de la proyección, los invitados disfrutarán de una velada privada en el famoso castillo de Bran, en Transilvania (Rumanía).


La partitura fue encargada por aficionados al cine de terror que iniciaron una página de recaudación de fondos en GoFundMe para que el público de todo el mundo pudiera disfrutar de una partitura original para el clásico de terror del cine mudo. El evento está producido por Costa Communications y NC Events.


Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience in Transylvania

The World Premiere Screening and Record Release Celebration of the 1922 Nosferatu feature film

with a brand-new original score composed by Christopher Young

includes one night at Alpin Resort Hotel, local transportation, dinner, receptions and breakfast before checkout, an evening tour, Performance, and Nosferatu Album Release Party at a private event in historic Bran Castle!

Evento especial de presentación del álbum ‘Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror’ en Transilvania con Christopher Young


Puntos destacados:

  • Cena y una noche de alojamiento en el Hotel Alpin Resort
  • Proyección especial de «Nosferatu» con la partitura original de Young en el Alpin Resort Hotel
  • Sesión de preguntas y respuestas con Christopher Young
  • Evento privado y recepción en el castillo de Bran
  • Exploración de las salas de tortura del castillo con entrada para los asistentes VIP
  • Todos los invitados recibirán un CD y una partitura de Nosferatu autografiados
  • Precio: 450 $ por persona
    • Plazas limitadas – reserve su lugar aquí: https://costacomm.com/nosferatu/
    • NOTA: Hay un descuento especial del 10% para los seguidores de SoundTrackFest (el descuento termina el 1 de octubre). No te olvides de mencionar a SoundTrackFest al hacer la confirmación.

Comunicado de prensa oficial:

As Halloween creeps closer, the international film music community along with horror and vampire-obsessed fans are Transylvania-bound in a pilgrimage to experience the Oct. 13 world premiere of horror music legend Christopher Young’s score to the 1922 silent vampire film classic, Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horrors (Nosferatu), and a private after dark event at the notorious Bran Castle. The storied 14th-century hilltop castle’s guests have included Vlad the Impaler, Dracula and Nosferatu. The Nosferatu album with an original score by Christopher Young is distributed by Warner Classics and drops this fall.  For tickets to experience the macabre magic of «Nosferatu» like never before and attend this exclusive VIP event, visit www.costacomm.com/nosferatu.


The historic event presented by Warner Classics is produced by Costa Communications and NC Events.  It includes a dinner and screening at the Alpin Resort Hotel. Then guests will be shuttled to a private VIP reception, performance and tour of eerie torture rooms in the iconic 14thcentury castle, the original inspiration for the home depicted in Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula as well as the Werner Herzog Nosferatu film from the 1970s. Entertainment industry veteran, awards festival producer and PR expert Ray Costa, whose first film composer client was Christopher Young, conceived the special event after the success of a fan-based “Go Fund Me” campaign to have Young create a score for the classic silent film.  A 70 -piece orchestra from Zurich, Switzerland, the Tonhalle-orchester Zurich under the direction of Frank Strobel, recorded the original score.


As one of the most celebrated and versatile film composers, the Golden Globe and two-time Emmy-nominated Young has scored nearly two hundred films in virtually every genre, including many of the most popular and cult classic films of Horror cinema, such as the unsettling demonic orchestral-and-choral scores for Hellbound and Hellbound: Hellraiser IISinister, Pet Sematary, The Grudge, and Deliver Us from Evil, to name a few.


He most recently composed the music for Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities and the Netflix and AppleTV+ series Echo 3. Other notable credits include the scores for Swordfish, Lasse Hallstrom’s The Shipping News, Norman Jewison’s The Hurricane,  Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3, the Hunter S. Thompson drama The Rum Diary starring Johnny Depp, and more. Young also received his two Emmy nominations for the dramatic urgency of his score to Last Flight Out, and the smoky jazz of the critically acclaimed HBO picture Norma Jean & Marilyn.

When not working, Young spends his time delving into a rather eclectic hobby. Though he ascended from the ranks of solely scoring horror and science fiction films, his ongoing fascination with the macabre is evident in his vast collection of jack-o-lanterns, masks and autographs of many horror film stars of the past.  Young gives back to the film music community. He has taught a film scoring class at USC for a decade, and is a two-term past president of The Film Music Society, and president of the Madrid Film Music Festival in Spain.

Planning detallado:

OCTOBER 13, 2024

  • 3 P.M. (15h)
    • Arrive to Alpin Resort Hotel: Poiana Braşov, Romania
      • Brasov-Ghimbav International Airport (GHV) – 20 km to Alpin
      • Bucharest International Airport (OTP) – 3h to Alpin Resort
        • OTP → Train Station → Shuttle → Alpin Resort
  • 5 P.M (17h)
    • Cocktail Hour
  • 6 P.M. (18h)
    • Pre-Screening Banquet Dinner
  • 7 P.M. (19h) –Screening Time: 1h21m
    • World Premiere Screening of Nosferatu with Christopher Young’s Original Score
  • 8:30 P.M. (20:30h)
    • Transportation to Bran Castle- Bran, Romania: ~30min Drive
  • 9-11 P.M. (21h-23h)
    • Private Tour of Castle and Champagne Reception
    • Live Organist Performing Excerpts of Young’s Score as Guests Explore the Castle
  • 11 P.M. (23h)
    • Return to Alpin Resort Hotel


OCTOBER 14, 2024

  • Complementary Breakfast
  • Check Out


Como se puede ver, la presentación del álbum “Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror” es una experiencia única en la vida, en Transilvania, que no deberías perderte.


El precio es de 450 $ por persona y las plazas son limitadas. Se puede reservar una plaza aquí:



Hay un descuento especial del 10% para los seguidores de SoundTrackFest (el descuento termina el 1 de octubre). No te olvides de mencionar a SoundTrackFest al hacer la confirmación.


NOTA: Las entradas que incluyen la proyección del estreno mundial, el hotel, la cena de recepción, los CDs autografiados de Christopher Young y la visita privada al castillo son más baratas que una entrada VIP a las Hollywood Horror Nights de los Estudios Universal 😉