2019-01-02 – 15:40 h
Next Tuesday, January 29th, 2019, the movie ‘Casino Royale’ will be premiered in concert for the first time in Spain at the Teatro Real in Madrid (Spain), where the Orquesta Clásica Santa Cecilia, conducted by Gavin Greenaway, will perform the soundtrack composed by David Arnold for this installment of the James Bond saga.
When: Tuesday, January 29th, 2019 at 8:00 p.m.
Where: Teatro Real (Madrid, Spain)
Tickets: 25-115 € – https://www.teatro-real.com/es/temporada-18-19/conciertos-y-recitales/casino-royale-en-concierto/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/244906829521090/
More information: https://www.fundacionexcelentia.org/concierto/james-bond-casino-royale-en-concierto
Promotional Video: