2018-02-22 – 7:45 h
This Saturday, February 24th, the EOS Youth and Children Orchestra conducted by Silvia Sanz Torre will offer a charity family concert in favor of AFANIC (Asociación de Familiares y Amigos de Niños con Cáncer – Association of Family and Friends of Children with Cancer) and the NGO Pablo Horstmann Foundation.
The concert, named “Scenes of History”, will offer a musical journey from Ancient Egypt to the conquest of space, with the following program:
- Aida: Triumphal march (G. Verdi)
- Gladiator (Hans Zimmer / Arr. J. Wasson)
- El Cid (Miklos Rozsa /Arr. E. Debs)
- The Mission (E. Morricone / Arr. M. Cruz)
- The Last of the Mohicans (T. Jones, R. Edelman / Arr. J. G. Mortimer)
- Overture 1812 (P. I. Chaikovski)
- Dr. Zhivago (M. Jarre)
- Schindler’s List (J. Williams / Arr. R. Barlowe, A. Barlowe)
- Bubble in trouble (Alejandro Vivas)
- Star Trek: Through the Years (Arr. C. Custer)
When: Saturday 24th of February 2018 at 11:30 a.m.
Where: National Auditorium of Music (Madrid, Spain)
Tickets: 10-20 € – https://www.entradasinaem.es/FichaEspectaculo.aspx?id=5&idEspectaculo=1479&idSesion=28196
More information: http://www.grupotalia.org/index.php/en/conciertos/18-concierto-solidario