2023-10-30 – 19:10 h
The Excelentia Foundation has organized a concert entitled ‘Great Film Choirs: Morricone, Zimmer and Williams’ next Thursday, Nov. 9 at the National Music Auditorium in Madrid, Spain, to be performed by the Royal Film Concert Orchestra conducted by Fernando Furones, with the participation of the choir Sociedad Coral Excelentia de Madrid.
A 90-voice choir will perform, together with the orchestra, the most famous melodies of the three film geniuses and other composers, giving a total of more than 150 musicians on stage.
The program will include music from the following movies:
When: Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 19:30h
Where: Auditorio nacional de Música (Madrid, Spain)
Tickets: 38-65 € – https://fundacionexcelentia.org/09112023-grandes-coros-de-cine-morricone-zimmer-williams/
More information: https://www.auditorionacional.mcu.es/es/programacion/excelentia-grandes-coros-de-cine-williams-zimmer-y-morricone
Promotional video: