2019-04-03 – 8:05 h
Tomorrow Thursday, 4th of April, pianist and John Williams specialist Simone Pedroni, together with cellist Luca Franzetti and violinist Marco Bronzi, will perform a concert entitled ‘Innocence and Destiny – The Music and the World of John Williams’ in Milan (Italy), dedicated to the music of the maestro. The concert will include the European premiere of the piece “Conversations for Solo Piano – N.1 Phineas and Mumbette”.
When: Thursday, April 14th, 2019 at 21:00h
Where: Auditorium CMC – Centro Culturale di Milano (Milan, Italy)
Tickets: 5€ – https://www.centroculturaledimilano.it/innocenza-e-destinole-musiche-e-il-mondo-di-john-williams/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1085646014953341/