2023-02-15 – 14:40 h
During the last four decades the music in computer and video games have not only found its own unique sound, but has also gathered a big and dedicated audience since the first ever game music concert was held in Tokyo 1987.
The Swedish Radio Symphony orchestra with conductor Alexander Hanson, soprano Sabina Zweiacker, and host Orvar Säfström, will present four concerts with highlights from the magical world of video game music entitled ‘Score – Orchestral Game Music 2023’.
The program will be as follows:
- Venue: – Berwaldhallen – Stockholm, Sweden
- Shows:
- Thursday – 16 February 2023 – 19:00h
- Friday – 17 February 2023 – 19:00h
- Friday – 17 February 2023 – 15:00h
- Saturday – 18 February 2023 – 18:00h
- Tickets 60-430 SEK (5-39 €): https://www.srso.se/en/concert/score-orchestral-game-music-2023-2/
The concert will be broadcasted on the Swedish Radio P2 on February, Friday 24 at 19:03h: