2018-06-02 – 8:15 h
Today, Saturday, June 2nd, the Asociación Escuela Benaiges – Bañuelos de Bureba and the Museo de la Evolución Humana de Burgos will present the event ‘Deshabitados en Concierto’ (‘Uninhabited in Concert’) in the Auditorium of the Museum in Burgos (Spain), where the soundtrack of the documentary ‘Deshabitados’ (Uninhabited) composed by Manel Gil-Inglada and directed by Hugo Atman will be performed live.
The concert will feature artists: Luis Martínez (Viola), Blanca-Olalla Altable (Violin), Maria San Miguel (Violin), Juan Ignacio Alonso (Violoncello), Antonio Martínez (Double Bass), Goyo-Mcgregor Esteban Pérez (Accordion) and the composer himself, Manel Gil-Inglada on guitar.
At the end of the concert, the documentary will be screened, which wants to draw attention to the terrible situation of the small villages that suffer an abandonment, which little by little is turning them lifeless, meaning an abandonment of traditions and identity.
When: Saturday 2nd of June 2018 at 8:15 p.m.
Where: Museo de la Evolución Humana (Burgos, Spain)
Tickets: Free Entrance
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1676970342416204/
More information: http://escuelabenaiges.blogspot.com.es/
More information: https://elasombrario.com/deshabitados-abandono-rural/
The full Soundtrack can be found on the following SoundCloud link: