2018-11-11 – 21:25 h
When we should still be celebrating Ennio Morricone’s 90th birthday, which happened yesterday, this weekend has brought us some unpleasant and probably false news about the maestro.
Everything started with an article published by Playboy Germany magazine, which in fact was a preview of an article that has been published on the printed magazine of December (on sale since November 8).
Original link (German):
Original link (Auto-Translated – Google):
Supposedly, Morricone said about Quentin Tarantino in the interview for Playboy that “The man is a cretin. He only steals from others and puts stuff back together again. There’s nothing original about that. That doesn’t make him a director”. Talking about the Oscars, he supposedly commented that “Nonsense, I only had pain from sitting for a long time! I had terrible back problems – in the plane as in the ceremony. So I had at most a pleased face, because I knew: Right away I can leave this boring event.”
You can read a summary of the highlights in the following article of Variety:
Ennio Morricone’s official Facebook account has published an statement a few hours ago (18:57h – 11/11/2018), with declarations such as “I have never expressed any negative statements about the Academy, Quentin, or his films…” or “I consider Tarantino a great director….I credit our collaboration responsible for getting me an Oscar, which is for sure one of the greatest acknowledgments of my career…”, and announcing legal actions against Playboy Germany.
You can read the complete statement here:
Facebook Link:
Let’s hope that the situation resolves soon and correctly in favor of Maestro Ennio Morricone.