2019-08-02 – 13:30 h
Tomorrow, Saturday, August 3rd, the Thai Youth Orchestra will perform a free concert at the Auditorio de la Diputación de Alicante – ADDA in Alicante (Spain), which will include music from the films of Thai composer Pantawit Kiangsiri.
This concert will be included in the VIIth edition of the FIJO Festival (Festival Internacional de Jóvenes Orquestas International Festival of Young Orchestras), which from August 1 to 8 will gather in Alicante the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of Chile, the Thai Youth Orchestra, the National Young Orchestra of Canada, and the Youth Orchestra of the Province of Alicante (OJPA), in a series of varied and free concerts.
The program of tomorrow’s concert will be as follows:
When: Saturday, August 17th, 2019 at 19:00h
Where: ADDA – Auditorio de la Diputación de Alicante (Alicante, Spain)
Tickets: Free Entry
More information: http://addaalicante.es/events/joven-orquesta-nacional-de-tailandia-2/