2020-07-01 – 18:50 h
Today, Wednesday, July 1st, the event ‘Animate 2020 – Jornadas del cine de Animacion en Navarra’ organized by the Navarre Employment Service – Nafar Lansare, has dedicated part of its morning program to talk about the process of creating the soundtrack composed by Manel Gil-Inglada for the animated film ‘Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds’ directed by Toni García (Apolo Films).
In the video that has been posted on YouTube, in addition to the interviews with Manel Gil-Inglada and Toni García, we can see Vanessa Garde, who has conducted the orchestra, and Claudio Biern Boyd, creator of the original series, talking about the origins of the character and about the new film, which will be released in January 2021.
More information about the movie in the following news:
More information about the event: