2022-11-03– 18:35 h
This Saturday, November 5, the composer Joan Valent will premiere at the National Auditorium of Music in Madrid the work ‘VIVA: The Circle Symphony – Singular Songs’, performed by the Orquesta Filarmonía de Madrid conducted by Christian Frattima, with violinist Renato Doná and soprano Cristina Domínguez Sar.
Official description:
When: Saturday, November 5, 2022 at 19:30h
Where: National Auditorium of Music (Madrid, Spain)
Tickets: 16-60 € – https://www.elcorteingles.es/entradas/conciertos/entradas-viva-madrid-26510265101868/
More information: https://www.auditorionacional.mcu.es/es/programacion/babies-uganda-viva