2025-01-13 – 19:00 h

El 26 de enero de 2025, la City Light Symphony Orchestra y el director Kevin Griffiths dedicarán un concierto en el KKL Luzern a la magistral y polifacética obra del icono de Hollywood John Williams.


Como parte del programa exclusivo “Spotlight on John Williams – Iconic Film Music in Concert”, se destacará su inquebrantable talento para héroes cinematográficos de todas las formas y tamaños. Se escucharán melodías de ‘The Cowboys’, ‘The Patriot’, ‘Lincoln’, ‘Far and Away’ y ‘JFK’, así como largas suites de ‘Star Wars’ y ‘Harry Potter’ en la segunda parte del concierto.


Unforgettable, legendary, epochal – Hollywood legend John Williams has been enchanting cinema audiences for over 50 years with masterpieces such as “Star Wars”, “Harry Potter” and “Indiana Jones”. But his work for profound historical dramas such as “Lincoln” or “JFK” is just as versatile. Experience pearls from the oeuvre of this film music giant in a concert portrait with “Spotlight on John Williams”!


The masterful, multi-layered film music of John Williams has accompanied the City Light Symphony Orchestra since its foundation. After live world premieres such as “Superman” and “Fiddler on the Roof”, a highly acclaimed 2-CD set and the successful themed concert program “A Tribute to Williams & Spielberg”, we are celebrating the unparalleled film music oeuvre of this 54-time Oscar-nominated Hollywood legend with an exclusively curated concert program in 2025.


The program focus “Spotlight on John Williams – Iconic Film Music in Concert” puts the spotlight on Williams’ unwavering flair for iconic heroes. In his film compositions, he portrayed heroes of very different types – from cowboys to heads of state, from Jedis to sorcerer’s apprentices.


For American heroes such as “The Cowboys” (1972), “The Patriot” (2000) and “Lincoln” (2012), Williams composed beautiful, sublime and stirring melodies that really stick in the ear. There are also Irish musical elements in “Far and Away” (1992) and ominous, wistful Americana sounds in “JFK” (1991). Williams attaches just as much importance to the radiant pathos as to the quiet tones and interjections.


In the second part of the concert, the focus is on Williams’ music for science fiction and fantasy films, with world-famous melodies from “Star Wars” and “Superman” as well as magical music from “Harry Potter”.


However, the program opens with a brilliant concert piece for earthly heroes: his “Olympic Fanfare”, which Williams composed especially for the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.


Let yourself be inspired by the rousing music of John Williams, played by the 85-piece City Light Symphony Orchestra under the accomplished direction of Kevin Griffiths, for earthly and supernatural heroic stories!