2024-05-06 – 8:00 h


Trondheim Jazz Festival and Trondheim Symphony Orchestra & Opera (TSO) have been partners for several decades and have given the public a number of unique concert experiences. Equally unique is the project «Eastwood Symphonic«, which will be the official opening concert for Jazzfest 2024 on Tuesday 7 May at 20:00.


Just listen: Clint Eastwood’s musician son – Kyle Eastwood – is on stage with his quintet. Then it will all be taken out in the grandeur together with TSO.


«Eastwood Symphonic» is a son’s tribute to his father. A symphonic concert with new and original interpretations of many of the well-known songs from Clint Eastwood’s films.


It will be an unusual concert experience where the soundtracks from «A Fistful of Dollars», «The good, the bad and the ugly», «Dirty Harry», «Gran Torino» and several other classics are put together for a long jazz symphonic journey. Bassist Kyle Eastwood has naturally always had a fondness for film scores. Now he really gets to take it out on a full scale with TSO.


  • Kyle Eastwood – bajo
  • Andrew McCormack – piano
  • Chris Higginbottom – batería
  • Quentin Collins – trompeta y fliscorno
  • Brandon Allen – saxofón
  • Trondheim Symphony Orchestra & Opera (TSO)
  • Director – Gast Walzing
  • Concertino – Cam Kjøll