Nordic Film Music Days 2022

Mañana sábado 12 de febrero de 2022, el evento Nordic Film Music Days da la bienvenida al público a su 12ª edición que se celebra anualmente durante la Berlinale – Festival Internacional de Cine de Berlín.

Nordic Film Music Days 2022


La tarde del sábado estará dedicada a paneles, talleres y a la oportunidad de conocer a los compositores nórdicos, escuchar su música y aprender sobre el oficio de crear partituras. Por la noche tendrá lugar la ceremonia anual de los Premios HARPA para compositores de cine nórdicos.


El domingo 13 de febrero, las películas nominadas se proyectarán en el Nordische Botschaften de Berlín.


Debido a las restricciones de COVID, los organizadores han optado por retransmitir en directo el acto del jurado y la ceremonia de entrega de premios desde el Nordische Botschaften a cinco centros nórdicos en Dinamarca, Finlandia, Islandia, Noruega y Suecia, donde los invitados podrán reunirse y participar. Además, el evento se transmitirá en directo y será accesible en todo el mundo.


Programa completo:

SATURDAY, FEB 12, 2022


12:00 noon – 2:00 pm CET

Presentation and Talk:

Creating the score – Creating the film

Meet the five nominated composers and hear about the early collaboration between composer and director. The nominated composers are:

  • DENMARK | Jonas Struck for his score for “Vores mand i Amerika” (directed by Christina Rosendahl)
  • FINLAND | Sanna Salmenkallio for her score for “Aalto” (directed by Virpi Suutari)
  • ICELAND| Tóti Guðnason for his score for “Lamb” (directed by Valdimar Jóhannsson)
  • NORWAY | Erik Ljunggren for his score for “Gritt” (directed by Itonje Søimer Guttormsen)
  • SWEDEN | Johan Testad for his score for “Björnstad” (directed by Peter Grönlund)


This seminar with all 5 HARPA nominees will stress one of the main ambitions of NORDIC FILM MUSIC DAYS: highlighting the creative power of the Nordic composers. A rare opportunity to get insight knowledge and for audiences to ask their own questions about the work of a score composer. Moderated by Halfdan E (DK).


2:00 – 2:30 pm CET


Soundtracks, their importance as a calling card for composers and how to prepare and release them

This conversation between Mikael Carlsson (SE) and Jesper Hansen (DK) will address the importance of the soundtracks. How big is their effect? And how can you increase that effect?


2:45 – 3:15 pm CET


Agreements & the workflow in productions

Jean-Paul Wall (SE) and Ida-Lee Brandel (SE) have put down a small list of things that might be useful for a composer who finds herself in the position of a music supervisor.


3:30 pm – 4:00 pm CET


DSM article 18-23 New legislation = new opportunities

In this conversation Koda’s senior legal advisor, Kaspar Lindhardt (DK) and chairman of Skap Alfons Karabuda (SE) will take us through the copyright directive and its implications for Nordic composers. ​


7:00 pm – 8:00 pm CET

HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award show

The winner of the 12th Nordic Film Composers Award will be announced

Audiences can watch the Award show on

The award show will be hosted by Halfdan E (DK) & Kaisa Rönkkö (FIN), with last year’s HARPA winner Flemming Nordkrog (DK).


SUNDAY, FEB 13, 2022

Screening of the nominated movie (free online tickets on the official website):

  • 45 – 12:00 – DK | VORES MAND I AMERIKA | THE GOOD TRAITOR | duration film: 1:55 | English subtitles
  • 12:15 – 2:15 PM – FIN | AALTO | duration film 1:45 | English subtitles
  • 3-5 PM – IS | LAMB | duration film 1:45 | English subtitles
  • 5:15 – 7:30 PM – NO | GRITT | duration film 1:58 | English subtitles
  • 7:45 – 9 PM – SE | BJÖRNSTAD | BEARTOWN | duration 1:01 | English subtitles



The 2022 HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award International Jury Members are

  • Flemming Nordkrog (DK) Composer and HARPA winner 2021
  • Lucy Bright (UK) Music Supervisor and Publisher (Bright Notion Music)
  • Mark Siegmund (KR/DE) Production & Location manager/ coordinator for International and Korean productions
  • Miriam Cutler (USA) Award- winning Film- and Media Composer
  • Thomas Van Parys (BE) Music Office, Film Fest Ghent & World Soundtrack Awards


Each year during the HARPA Nordic Film Music Days, the HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award is awarded to the most outstanding Nordic score of the year – and thereby putting a spotlight on Nordic talent and craftmanship. National juries from each Nordic country have watched, listened, discussed, and finally decided which of the submitted scores will proceed as their national nominee. An international jury determines the winner, which this year will be announced Saturday Feb 12th during Nordic Film Music Days.


The HARPA Nordic Film Music Days & Composers Award was introduced by the Nordic composer organizations in 2010. Since 2016, the award ceremony took place at the Nordische Botschaften in Berlin in connection with the Berlinale Film Festival and virtually in 2021.


Más información sobre los Nordic Film Music Days, inscripción en los talleres y transmisión en directo: