Nordic Film Music Days – Ganador premio HARPA 2020

El lunes 24 de febrero, se entregó el premio HARPA Nordic Film Composer Award en una ceremonia en el Nordische Botschaften en Berlín (Alemania), como parte del evento Nordic Film Music Days.


El ganador de esta edición fue el compositor noruego Gaute Storaas por su banda sonora para la serie de televisión de Colin NutleyBröllup, begravning och dop’.

Nordic Film Music Days - Ganador premio HARPA 2020 - Gaute Storaas


A continuación la lista completa de nominados para el Premio HARPA de este año, con enlaces a artículos y videos especiales para cada uno de ellos:


A continuación, se puede leer la declaración oficial del jurado:

More joyful than ever. Watching the five nominated movies for this year’s HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award was a true pleasure.


From Klas Wahls and Anders Niskas utterly sensitive score for Folke Rydens ‘Balloons over Babylon‘, the distinct originality of Gyda Valtysdottirs score for ‘Mihkel‘ and Kåre Bjerkøs moods and soundscapes for the Swedish tv series, ‘Det som göms i Snö‘. And then Panu Aaltios impressive orchestral score for the Finnish nature film, ‘Luontosinfonia’ and Gaute Storaas conscious and supportive work for the Swedish tv series, ‘Brüllop, begravning och dop‘.


How on earth can we compare these five very different composers works? – five very different films – and some of them- not even films, but tv series? The essence of the given music is so different. Both in length, substance and compositional demands. So not only was the task this year more joyful than ever. Also more difficult than ever.


The jury of this year’s HARPA has then – once again – decided on another view. Last year we gave the award to a director and composer relationship. David Thor Johnsson and Benedikt Erlingsson for ‘Kona fer í stríð‘. Also this year we want to stress this very important cooperation.


The score in question is clearly based on a mutual trust and understanding between the composer and director. The director gives room for music, gives the music an overall presence, and even though the music often is conventional, it’s used in an unconventional way: Elegant, in a good balance, not too much, exactly right! And luxurious!


The score in question underscores the story, the dramatic and comical parts and making the overall experience so intense – giving it a very special quality.


Truly. When it comes to HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award this composer is no novice: Nominated in 2017 (for the music for an Oscar nominated movie) and winning the HARPA award in 2011 (for a children movie about a boat). The HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award 2020 goes to GAUTE STORAAS for his music for Colin Nutleys tv series, ‘Brüllop, begravning och dop‘.



El jurado internacional estuvo formado por:

  • Davíð Þór Jónsson (Compositor y ganador del premio HARPA 2020, Islandia)
  • Christine Aufderhaar (Compositora, Suiza)
  • Jean-Michel Bernard (Compositor, Francia)
  • Florian Vollmers (Gestor del festival, Nordic Film Days Lübeck, Alemania)
  • George Christopoulos (Agente musical, Grecia)


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