SoundTrack_Cologne 21 – Composición para Películas

SoundTrack_Cologne celebra su 21ª edición del 2 al 5 de julio de 2024, y dedicará el jueves 4 de julio a la música de las películas, con el siguiente programa.

SoundTrack_Cologne 21 - Composición para Películas


Composing for Film – Thursday 04. July 2024 · COMEDIA Theater, Probebühne


When presenting the Best Film Score award to Eðvarð Egilsson during the Harpa Nordic Film Composers Award ceremony in February, the jury assured that the music of Smoke Sauna Sisterhood was special because it mixed human voices with rhythmic yet fleshy sounds and also because it demonstrated the composer’s cooperative work with the film’s director to achieve the successful composition.

As part of the «Composing for Films Day» at SoundTrack_Cologne 21, set to take place on Thursday, July 4, our guest composers will delve into, among other topics, the importance of their collaborative work with film directors. They will also share how they approach each new project as an exploration of uncharted territory, and the innovative strategies they employ in their creative processes.


In addition to Eðvarð Egilsson, STC will feature talks with composers Nicolas Rabaeus, winner of the Swiss Film Award 2023 for Thunder (Foudre), and 2024 for The Land Within and Bisons; two-time BAFTA nominated Anthony WillisSaltburn, and Gregor Schwellenbach and Jungstötter, The Forest Within (Der Wald in mir).


  • 10:30 – 11:30h – Nicolas Rabaeus – Thunder (Foudre) · The Land Within · Bisons- winner of the Swiss Film Award 2023 & 2024 – Workshop · Discussion
  • 12:00 – 13:00h – Anthony Willis– two-time BAFTA nominee – Saltburn – Workshop · Discussion
  • 14:30 – 15:30h – Eðvarð Egilsson – Smoke Sauna Sisterhood – winner of the HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award 2024 – Workshop · Discussion
  • 16:00 – 17:00h – Gregor Schwellenbach & Jungstötter – The Forest Within (Der Wald in mir) – Case study


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