VÍDEO: Hans Zimmer & Alan Walker – ‘Time’ Remix – 10º aniversario de ‘Origen’

Tal y como ya os avanzamos la semana pasada (ver noticia), este viernes 22 de mayo se ha publicado el vídeo con el tema ‘TimeRemix, creado por Hans Zimmer y el DJ y productor discográfico noruego de origen inglés Alan Walker.

Hans Zimmer & Alan Walker - ‘Time’ Remix - 10º aniversario de ‘Origen’


Este lanzamiento, que llega en vísperas del 10º aniversario de la película ‘Origen’ de Christopher Nolan (julio 2010-julio 2020), supone el primer video musical que se ha hecho para una grabación de Hans Zimmer.


El vídeo ha sido dirigido por Kristian Berg, y se ha grabado durante el confinamiento global provocado por la pandemia del Coronavirus Covid-19. A continuación os dejamos un interesante extracto de la entrevista que Kristian Berg ha concedido a la revista Showbiz Culture, a la que SoundTrackFest ha tenido acceso:

How did you come up with the concept for this video?

I thought about all the empty cities around the world and how nice it would be to fill the deserted areas with colourful video and music. The audience is already stuck indoors, only venturing on to their balconies or peering from their living room windows, so I imagined this would be a nice visual postcard from a special time in history.


The video also focuses on the current situation, with lockdowns the world over and the “Walkers” bringing music to the people on their balconies. How did the situation influence the concept and the production of this video?

Shooting a music video during lockdown was a singular experience that presented many challenges. We had to keep the film crew extremely small and bring along our own people to make sure we operated within the government guidelines. This experience was clearly new to everyone, and was challenging at first. As a result of the lockdown, many locations that were earlier impossible to film at, were now available. For example, the spectacular underwater restaurant Under welcomed us with open arms.

Obviously, we couldn’t travel around the world and film these scenes ourselves. We sourced local projectors and film crews in London, Budapest and New York. We kept in close contact with numerous calls ahead of the shoot, and monitored the shoots in several cities as they went on. A lot of super-talented film workers were available and excited to work with us – not least because of the scarcity of work in the industry at present – but also the huge interest in getting the opportunity to work with both Alan Walker and Hans Zimmer. The remote video shoots went surprisingly well! We have received many curious questions from Walkers who have seen the giga projections by Alan and Hans on buildings in their cities. We are really looking forward to showing them what we have created!


Full interview:


Según ha declarado Alan Walker:

“Walkers! I’m beyond excited to share this video with you. Collaborating with Hans Zimmer on this release has been an out-of-body experience on a whole different level. Everyone who knows me, knows that I’m a huge fan of his work, and it has played a big part of my musical journey. Especially “Time,” which is probably my favorite song ever. Plus it marks the 10th anniversary for Inception this year too. I’m as grateful as I can possibly be for this opportunity! Making this music video during a world that’s on lockdown, provided some obvious challenges. However, we decided to use that to our advantage, and I really hope you like the result.


Vídeo (3m 31s):