2019-03-27 – 19:30 h
On March 10, 2019, The Razzies! (Awards given to the worst Hollywood productions, and considered the anti-Oscars), published a video where 8-time Oscar-winner composer Alan Menken, graciously accepted the one trophy that was missing in his massive stockpile of statuettes: The 1992 Worst Song Razzie for his song “High Times, Hard Times” from the movie Newsies.
Curiously, Alan Menken got an Academy Award for Best Original Song for Aladdin’s “A Whole New World” (Lyrics by Tim Rice) and a Razzie Award for Worst Original Song for Newsies’ “High Times, Hard Times” (lyrics by Jack Feldman) all in the same year!!
Video of Alan Menken receiving the Razzie at home: