2018-01-28 – 11:27 h
The Barcelona Municipal Band conducted by Henrie Adams, will perform next Sunday, February 18th, a selection of music by John Williams at the Barcelona auditorium in a concert named “La Banda de Pel-lícula: Star Wars”.
The planned program is:
- John Williams – Superman – March
- John Williams – Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Selection
- John Williams – E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial – Adventures on Earth
- John Williams – Star Wars – Selection
When: Sunday 18th of February 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
Where: L’Auditori de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
Tickets: 18 – 25 € – https://www.auditori.cat/en/star-wars-soundtrack
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/258831871273739/