2018-05-15 – 10:13 h

John Powell has been the last guest composer in the weekly podcast ‘Score: The Podcast’ where he has talked about many things, including working with John Williams in the last movie for the star wars universe: ‘Solo’, premiering May 25th.


In John Powell’s words: “The thing that people are sort of gonna be interested in I think, is that John Williams wrote tunes for this, and we demoed them at the beginning of the year (Ron Howard, John and I) and we spotted the movie together […] I knew he was gonna write a tune… but he wrote a couple of themes that just were so wonderful, and instantly kind of unlocked the film for me […] It was working brilliantly. So I just took that and run with it. And it’s all over the movie, his music is all over the movie, in lots of different versions that perhaps he would have done, or perhaps he wouldn’t have done.


You can see a brief video about working on ‘Solo’ here:


During the podcast, that lasted nearly 52 minutes, John Powell also talked about the groove of the ‘Bourne’ movie series, about his Oscar nomination for ‘How To Train Your Dragon’, plus his approach for getting multiple cues spinning until the last minute on an animated film where things can change until the very end and his work in ‘Rio’.


You can listen to the whole podcast here: