2021-08-28 – 15:40 h

Tomorrow, Sunday 29/8/2021 – 10am Brazil / 3pm Europe


This panel will explore how three different film music festivals, in three different countries and two different continents, were created and started to grow, and how the pandemic changed all their plans, and are now adapting for the future.


The panel will have the participation of: Diego Navarro (Spain) – Composer, conductor, and founder of Fimucité festival, held on the island of Tenerife. Marcos Souza (Brazil) – Idealizer and general director of Musimagem Brasil Festival. Robert Piaskowski (Poland) – Artistic Director and co-founder of Krakow Film Music Festival. Moderated by Gorka Oteiza (Spain) – Founder and director of SoundTrackFest.


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