2019-05-25 – 21:30 h
Chinese composer Tan Dun will conduct the Orchestre National de Lyon on Friday, May 31st and Saturday, June 1st, at La Grande Salle in Lyon (France), in two concerts that will mix his music and the music of classic composers Maurice Ravel and Claude Debussy.
The first concert, on Friday, May 31st at 15h, will have Simone Rubino playing percussions and Joël Nicod as host, with the following program:
- Tan Dun – «Summer» – Percussion Concerto “The Tears of Nature” (more info)
- Maurice Ravel – Boléro — 18 min
Tickets (10€): http://www.auditorium-lyon.com/Programmation-18-19/Concerts/Expresso/Expresso-15h/Ravel-Tan-Dun
The second concert, on Saturday, June 1st at 18h, will have Dmitri Masleev (piano), Alexandre Doisy (saxophone), François Sauzeau (clarinet) and Di Xiao (soprano of the Pekin Opera), with the following program:
- Claude Debussy – Rhapsody for Saxophone and Orchestra — 10 min
- Tan Dun – Concerto for Piano and Peking Opera Soprano “Farewell My Concubine”— 28 min (more info)
- Claude Debussy – Rhapsody for Clarinet and Orchestra — 10 min
- Tan Dun – Symphony of Colors : Terracotta — 30 min (more info)
Tickets (16-48€): http://www.auditorium-lyon.com/Programmation-18-19/Concerts/Symphonique/Orchestre-national-de-Lyon/Debussy