2017-05-13 – 9:37 h
Guests from the Video Game Industry representing composers, sound designers, sound editors, and management from Blizzard, Riot Games and more will give presentations and panel discussions.
In attendance: Adam Gubman (composer), Penka Kouneva (composer) & Michael J. Lloyd (composer/orchestrator)
This one-day symposium will culminate with a concert by the Bob Cole Conservatory Symphony performing music from popular video game scores (Journey, StarCraft 2, Wildstar, Delicious, Darkness 2 and more…)
When: *TODAY* Saturday 13 of May 2017 from 8:00 am till 5:00 pm / Concert 8:00 pm
Where: Bob Cole Conservatory of Music – California State University (Long Beach, California)
Tickets: $ 15 – Concert / $ 100 – Full day -> https://commerce.cashnet.com/cashneti/selfserve/BrowseCatalog.aspx
Full program: http://web.csulb.edu/depts/music/areas/composition-studies/video-game-music-symposium.php