Festival Musimagem Brasil 2022 – Programa completo

El Festival Musimagem Brasil, organizado por la Asociación Brasileña de Compositores de Música para Audiovisuales – Musimagem, celebrará su 8ª edición del 8 al 13 de noviembre en una edición híbrida (online + presencial), y se celebrará por primera vez en São Paulo (Brasil), ofreciendo dos conciertos y muchas conferencias y clases magistrales de forma gratuita.

Festival Musimagem Brasil 2022 - Programa completo


El festival contará con la participación de Rachel Portman, David Mansfield, John Lunn y Christopher Gordon, además de invitados brasileños como Roberto Menescal (Bye Bye Brasil), Nivaldo Ornelas (El baile de las marionetas), Tulio Mourão (Jorge, a Brazilian) y los compositores de Musimagem, con la colaboración de SoundTrackFest, el productor Robert Townson, XR y la Faculdade Santa Marcelina.

Festival Musimagem Brasil 2022 - Programa completo


Como todos los años, SoundTrackFest se enorgullece de estar asociada con el festival, colaborando en su programa con una conferencia titulada “The Challenges of Soundtrack Festivals” el domingo 13 de noviembre de 2022 a las 10:00h (14:00h – CET), con Gorka Oteiza.

Festival Musimagem Brasil 2022 - Programa completo


A continuación, se puede ver el programa completo del festival:




Day 10/11/22 – Thursday – Online

  • 10:00h – Online / Debate: Soundtracks and Copyright / Dr. Vanisa Santiago (RJ), Dr. Frederico Lemos (RJ), Tim Rescala (RJ) / Presentation Felipe Radicetti (PR).
  • 15:00h – Online / Lecture: The organ in silent cinema / Presentation: Felipe Radicetti (PR).


Day 11/11/22 – Friday – Direct hybrid from Santa Marcelina-SP College

  • 10:00h – Hybrid / Course: Advertising and Soundtracks / Zeh Netto (RJ) – live from SP.
  • 15:00h – Online / Lecture: Rachel Portman (England) / The English songwriter, author of more than a hundred tracks such as «Emma» (for which she won an Oscar), «Chocolate», «Never Leave Me», «Bessie» (Emmy winner) and «The Duchess». Rachel will talk about her career and work, her main projects and works throughout her life. / Mediators; Robert Townson & Marcos Souza.
  • 17:00h – Online / Debate: The soundtracks of Clube da Esquina / Nivaldo Ornelas (RJ), Tulio Mourão (BH) / Mediation João Batista Melo (BH) and Felipe Radicetti (PR).
  • 20:00h – Online / Lecturer: David Mansfield (USA) / The American composer, author of dozens of tracks such as «The Year of the Dragon» (Golden Globe nominee), «The Sicilian», «Heaven’s Gate», «The Devil Between My Legs» and «Lost Trail» (Emmy nominee) will talk about his music and the films he’s worked on.


Day 12/11/22 – Saturday – Direct hybrid from Santa Marcelina-SP College

  • 10:00h – Online / Lecturer: John Lunn (England) / Composer of the score for all seasons and feature films for one of the most successful series, «Downton Abbey» (a song awarded with an Emmy award in two seasons) as well as several other series and films such as «The White Queen» (also an Emmy), «The Last Kingdom» and «Belgravia». John will talk about his career and his music.
  • 15:00h – Hybrid / Debate: Soundtracks and children’s cinema / João Batista Melo (BH) and Beth Carmona (SP) / Tim Rescala (RJ) – Live from SP.
  • 17:00h – Hybrid / Concert by the Musimagicos in SP / Tim Rescala, Rafael Luperi, Marcos Souza, Alexey Kurkdjian, Natalia Machiaveli, Zeh Netto, Alexandre Guerra / Live from the Santa Marcelina Theater.
  • 20:00h – Hybrid / Concert: Sinfonietta Paulista interprets the international guests / Conducting and Arrangements – Rafael Vicole / Live from the Santa Marcelina Theater.


Day 13/11/22 – Sunday – Online

  • 10:00h – Online / Lecture: The Challenges of Soundtrack Festivals / Gorka OteizaSoundTrackFest (Bilbao)
  • 15:00h – Online / Debate: Soundtracks and Bossa Nova / Roberto Menescal (RJ) / Mediation: Alberto Rosenblit (RJ).
  • 17:00h – Online / Debate: Villa Lobos’ music for cinema / Turibio Santos (RJ), Sheila Schvarzman (SP), Alexandre Guerra (SP).
  • 20:00h – Online / Lecture: Christopher Gordon (USA) / Conversation with the Australian composer, author of the soundtracks for «Master of the Seas», «Mao’s Last Dance», «Love without Sin» and «Marsten Mansion» (Emmy nominated). Mediator: Zeh Netto.


NOTE: The 4 INTERNATIONAL lectures will have real time translation into Portuguese.




Day 8/11/22 – Tuesday – Online

  • 10:00h to 12:00h – Online / Course: Games and Soundtracks Composition of soundtracks for electronic games. Introduction to sound effects and interactive audio. Evolution of video game hardware and its impact on sound production capacity. Historical styles of soundtrack. Introduction to interactive music and sound design for sound effects. Antonio Teoli (USA)


Day 9/11/22 – Wednesday – Online

  • 10:00h to 12:00h – Online / Course: Composing with free software / Is it possible to compose a track using free software? Follow how to plan, organize files and use free software to compose a soundtrack. Rafael Vicole (SP).
  • 15:00h – Online / Course: Soundtracks and soap operas / The representation of sound in Television/Novels. The sound/picture synchronization. Soundtrack elements: voice, noises, music. The spectator’s hearing. Technical aspects of capturing and reproducing sounds. Mastering the basics of sound, its physical properties, as well as the specifics of analog and digital models. Understanding the basic procedures for capturing and editing sound in order to build a coherent and creative sound discourse within the television narrative. You should also familiarize yourself with the main currents of thought regarding sound and its different uses in television. Ricardo Leão (RJ).


Day 11/11/22 – Friday – Direct hybrid from Santa Marcelina-SP College

  • 10:00h to 12:00h – Hybrid / Course: Advertising and Soundtracks / Musical composition in small advertising forms: the soundtrack and the jingle. Synchronization with the image; mickeymousing in advertising. The creative process: the briefing given as a problem and the composition as a solution. Composition works in different applied musical genres: musical score, jingle, spot track (radio). Analysis of established examples. Zeh Netto (RJ) – Live from SP.


NOTE: Courses will be held in Portuguese only.


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