ISFMF 2020 – Concierto de música de cine y proyección de la película ‘Gladiator’ [CANCELADO]

El festival International Sound & Film Music Festival (ISFMF), que celebrará su 8ª edición el domingo 26 y el lunes 27 de julio de 2020 en Pula, Croacia, anunció el pasado viernes 10 de julio un evento muy especial: un concierto de música de cine en el Anfiteatro de Pula seguido de la proyección de la película ‘Gladiator’ el lunes 27 de julio.


Desafortunadamente, un par de días después, el gobierno croata anunció la prohibición de eventos con una audiencia superior a 100 personas, debido al Coronavirus COVID-19, obligando a la organización del festival a cancelar el evento, sólo unos días después de anunciarlo.


Declaración oficial del ISFMF:

“Dear friends of ISFMF,

Unfortunately we have to postpone the central ISFMF 2020 event «Gladiator – 20th anniversary – Arena Pula» due to the new and unexpected circumstances related to Covid -19 pandemic.

As the epidemiological situation was getting worse during last week, the authorities banned all events with more than 100 visitors in the region of Istra (Croatia), where ISFMF takes place.

This decision reached us when we had completed all the activities related to this special project, launched it and got a fantastic feedback from our audiences, so you can only imagine how devastated we felt during the last two days.

This event was really special to us because we would be celebrating the 20th anniversary of this great film on the best possible stage on Earth – Arena Pula, which is one of the most well preserved Roman amphitheater’s in the World.

This event will be rescheduled for next year, while other ISFMF 2020 program activities continue to take place on 26 – 27 July 2020, in formats according the epidemiological measures active in this Croatian region.

Hope you are all healthy and safe and able to come to Pula this year!

It will all turn OK in the end!

Sending all our love.

Ozren & Marijana & Zeljko”

Estos son los detalles del evento, que desafortunadamente, tendrá que esperar hasta 2021:

“The event program is divided in two sections: an extraordinary film music concert bringing the most wonderful music themes from movies InceptionInterstellar1917The Da Vinci CodeOnce Upon a Time in America and of course Gladiator, performed by Iskandar Widjaja – violin virtuoso and one of the most interesting violinists of the younger generation, Nina Kraljić – one of the World’s most beautiful vocals, accompanied by composer and performer Ozren K. Glaser and guitarist Tin Švegović.

The film music concert is followed by a screening of one of the most epic movies of all time – Gladiator. This will be the first screening of Gladiator in the Pula Amphitheater. Underneath the starts, on the biggest open-air cinema screen with the greatest surround, this will be a true and unique experience. Event will be hosted by artists Elis Lovrić and Bruno Krajcar.

The event is also an homage to the Croatian film producer Branko Lustig (1932–2019), winner of two Oscars (Schindler’s ListGladiator).”

ISFMF 2020 - Concierto de música de cine y proyección de la película ‘Gladiator’ [CANCELADO]


El festival International Sound & Film Music Festival (ISFMF) continuará en las fechas previstas, 26 y 27 de julio, y podría cambiar parte de su programa para hacer una versión física y online. Pronto habrá más información, junto con el anuncio de los nominados a los premios Crystal Pine Awards.


Más información sobre el festival ISFMF:


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