2018-02-03 – 15:25 h
The duo ‘2Cellos’ formed by Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser will visit Spain in May 2018, and will do it with the ARTS Symphony Ensemble within ‘The Score Tour’, offering 3 special concerts in Madrid and Barcelona where they will play covers of film and TV music.
Of these three concerts, Barcelona on May 12th within the Mil-Leni festival, has sold out all their tickets and has led to a second concert on May 13th that is already beginning to fill. The concert of May 14th in Madrid still has tickets but is also half full.
When: Saturday 12th of May 2018 at 9:00 p.m.
Where: Auditori Forum (Barcelona, Spain)
Tickets: SOLD OUT – http://www.festival-millenni.com/es/concert/2cellos/
When: Sunday 13th of May 2018 at 9:00 p.m.
Where: Auditori Forum (Barcelona, Spain)
Tickets: 48-70€ – https://proticketing.com/festival-millenni/ca_ES/entradas/evento/7923/session/595135/select
When: Monday 14th of May 2018 at 9:00 p.m.
Where: WiZink Center (Madrid, Spain)
Tickets: 39-52€ – https://www.wizinkcenter.es/eventoinformacion?evento=2cellos-2018-05-14
More information: http://www.2cellos.com/tour/