2017-09-18 – 12:15 h
From the hand of Antonio Piñera and Pedro Ferrer Cascales, creators of Rosetta Editions SL, a new record label emerges: Rosetta Records, which will be specialized in launching Original Sound Tracks that have not been edited for years or have never been edited before.
The first release of Rosetta Records will be the music composed by Spanish composer Anton Garcia Abril for the film Monsignor Quixote (1987), a classic soundtrack sought by many fans. The CD will feature 45 minutes of remastered music in 11 tracks, and will contain an 8-page booklet with a text in Spanish and English written by Antonio Pardo Larrosa.
More information [SPANISH ONLY]: http://musicadecineblog.com/2017/09/18/nuevo-sello-discografico-especializado-en-b-s-o-rosetta-records/
Congratulations and good luck in this new adventure!