2019-10-01 – 11:05 h

Next Friday, October 4th, the ADDA Simfònica orchestra under the baton of Josep Vicent, will offer a special concert entitled ‘Gala Balmis 200 Aniversario’ at the ADDA – Auditorio de la Diputación de Alicante in Alicante (Spain), in honor of the expedition led by the doctor Francisco Javier Balmis, who took the smallpox vaccine to the Americas in the early 19th century.


The program will include the music of Dvorak, Symphony n.9 “Symphony of the New World” (Selection) and the premiere of Luis Ivars’ suite, “Balmis Expedition”, belonging to the movie ‘22 Angels’, which narrates the adventures of that expedition. The concert will feature the Coro ‘Musiquetos’ de Maristas choir and the performance of the actor and film and theater director Pedro Casablanc.


Admission to the event will be free upon reservation of an invitation (a maximum of 2 invitations per person). Once the reservation is made, tickets can be collected at the box office from two hours before the concert until 20 minutes before the start. From that time, the entrance will be free, limited to the capacity of the venue.


When: Friday, October 4th, 2019 at 20:00h

Where: ADDA – Auditorio de la Diputación de Alicante (Alicante, Spain)

Tickets: Free with reservation (ADDA)

More information: http://www.addasimfonica.es/es_es/events/gala-balmis-200-aniversario/