2018-07-21 – 11:35 h
Tomorrow, Sunday 22nd of July, the Games Waves Band orchestra will offer a concert at the Gamepolis 2018 – Video Game Festival in Malaga – Spain (held 20-22 of July), named ‘Music from Video games – Tribute to Nintendo’.
The concert is divided into two parts; one dedicated to reviewing the best Nintendo video game themes, including Super Mario Bros (NES), Tetris (Game Boy), Final Fantasy VI (Super Nintendo), Super Smash Bros Melee (Nintendo Gamecube), the Wii theme or the main themes of icons like Kirby or The Legend of Zelda. After this trip through the Nintendo universe, the session will continue with selected pieces from games such as Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts and a unique repertoire for this closing concert of Gamepolis 2018.
This year also marks the 20th anniversary of Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, the first video game saga created in Spain that achieved international success, and it will be celebrated with a surprise.
When: Sunday, July 22nd, 2018 at 8:00 p.m.
Where: Palacio Ferias de Málaga (Málaga, Spain)
Tickets for the concert: Free but inscription required – https://www.gamepolis.org/noticia-concierto-videojuegos-nintendo/
Tickets for Gamepolis: 10 € day ticket / 25 € three-day ticket – https://www.gamepolis.org/venta-entradas-gamepolis/