2018-11-07 – 13:40 h

The Orquesta Sinfónica de Euskadi (Basque National Orchestra) under the baton of Christian Lindberg (who will also play the trombone), will perform today the music of Leonard Bernstein for the film ‘On the Waterfront’ at the Palacio Euskalduna Jauregia in Bilbao (Spain), and tomorrow and the next day will do it in the Kursaal of Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain).


The concert, named ‘Nordic Roots’, will have the following program:

  • Leonard Bernstein – On the Waterfront. Suite [23’]
  • Christian Lindberg – The Tale of Kundraan [15’]
  • Jean Sibelius – Symphony #3, Op.52 [32’]


When: Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 at 8:00 p.m.

Where: Palacio Euskalduna Jauregia (Bilbao, Spain)

Tickets: 10-35 € – https://www.euskalduna.eus/eventos/orquesta-sinfonica-de-euskadi-temporada-18-19-2/


When: Thursday 8th & Friday 9th of November 2018 at 8:00 p.m.

Where: Kursaal Donostia (Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain)

Tickets: 10-35 € – https://www.kursaal.eus/es/entradas/