2017-11-18 – 14:41 h

Today, Saturday, November 18th at 1:00 p.m. (PST), Creature Features, Watertower Music and Film Music Media have organized a live retrospective for the film and TV versions of Stephen King’s IT, headlining a Q&A with Benjamin Wallfisch and Richard Bellis, the composers responsible for both scores.

The event, moderated by Kaya Savas of Film Music Media, will be centered on the world of Stephen King and will also feature composer Nicholas Pike and prolific writer/director Mick Garris.

The Q&A will be followed by a signing session with the composers. The purchase of one IT LP or CD is required for entry.


When: Saturday 18th of November 2017 at 1:00 p.m. (PST – Pacific Standard Time)

Where: Creature Features, Burbank (California, USA)

Entrance: CD/LP purchase is required for entry (Seating is limited)

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/372084559883531/