2020-12-15 – 12:10 h
The SGAE Foundation organizes an online meeting entitled ‘Pezas do audiovisual: música e cine’, three days that will try to contextualize and narrate the profession of the soundtracks composers.
The event will have the composers: Nico Casal, Manu Conde, Nani García, Arturo Kress, Iván Martínez Lacámara, Sergio Moure de Oteyza & Manu Riveiro.
The activity, driven by the Consejo Territorial de la SGAE in Galicia, will take place on 15, 16 and 17 December 2020 through WebEx platform, with free assistance upon registration.
The meeting will open on Tuesday, December 15, at 16:30h, with a colloquium in which the specificities of the audiovisual composer’s job will be addressed, from a global perspective, considering the transversal relations with the other elements. Nani García, Iván Martínez Lacámara, and Manu Riveiro will participate, moderated by Sergio Moure de Oteyza.
On Wednesday 16, the specialists Manu Conde and Nani García will share their experience in two consecutive lectures.
On Thursday 17, the conferences will end with Nico Casal and Arturo Kress, who will talk about their work in the sector.
Registrations will be made by email request to mailto:mpblanco@fundacionsgae.org. The admission will be closed when full capacity is reached.
More information and registrations: