2018-05-11 – 6:45 h
The 18th edition of the Festival de Cine de Sant Joan d’Alacant – Sant Joan d’Alacant Film Festival (Alicante, Spain) which takes place from May 12 to 18, 2018, and which pays homage to the 50th anniversary of the film ‘2001 A Space Odyssey’, will start this Saturday 12th offering various film music related events.
At 12:30 p.m. the band The Red Apples, dedicated to versioning soundtracks from Quentin Tarantino’s movies, will offer a free concert at the Maisonnave Square.
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/446708235787293/
At 8:00 p.m. the festival will officially start with a free film music concert named ‘Wagner Now’ performed by the Sociedad Musical La Paz in the Auditorio de la Casa de Cultura, consisting on the projection of synchronized images created by the students of the IES Luis García Berlanga while soundtracks are performed live.
The concert will be hosted by the composer Luis Ivars, who will narrate and give important ideas on the use of the music of classical composers in movies. The evening will begin with the initial fanfare ‘Sunrise’ from the symphonic poem ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ composed by Richard Strauss in 1896, and that was used in the Stanley Kubrick’s film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ which turns 50 years in 2018. In total, people will enjoy 9 classic pieces, while viewing the images of movies like ‘Apocalypse Now’, ‘Black Swan’ or ‘Excalibur’.
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1613787765326272/
More information: http://santjoanfestivaldecine.es/sociedad-musical-la-paz-sant-joan/
Festival Agenda: http://santjoanfestivaldecine.es/agenda-2018/