2022-10-16 – 12:15 h
The 37th edition of the film festival ‘Mostra de Valéncia – Cinema del Mediterrani’ held from October 20 to 30, 2022, will include a film music concert on Sunday, October 23, performed by the Banda Sinfónica Municipal de Valencia conducted by Ángel López Carreño.
The program will be as follows:
When: Sunday, October 23, 2023 at 12:00h
Where: La Rambleta (Valencia, Spain)
Tickets: Free upon registration – http://www.larambleta.com/eventos/ver/concert-de-bandes-sonores
More information: https://lamostradevalencia.com/peliculas/concierto-banda-sinfonica-municipal-de-valencia-2/