2020-11-03 – 21:35 h
Next Monday, November 16th, film music will return to L’Auditori in Barcelona (Spain) with works by Reinhold Glière and John Williams, performed by the Joven Orquesta Sinfónica de Barcelona – JOSB under the baton of Carlos Checa.
The concert, which will feature the young soloist Martí Miranda (French horn), is being held for a charitable cause carried out by the Mans a les Mans Foundation, which fights against child poverty in the city of Barcelona.
The program will include the following pieces:
- REINHOLD GLIÈRE: Concerto for Horn and Orchestra in B-flat major, Op. 91,
- JOHN WILLIAMS: Selection of music from films such as Superman, E.T, Schindler’s List or Star Wars
When: Monday, November 16, 2020 at 19:30h
Where: L’Auditori (Barcelona, Spain)
Tickets: 12 € – https://www.auditori.cat/es/carlos-checa–jove-orquestra-simfonica-de-barcelona-maig-020
NOTE: The JOSB informs that, according to the current regulations, the capacity is reduced to 50% of the hall and the tickets are sold out. In case the capacity restrictions change, new tickets will be available for sale.