2023-12-27 – 8:10 h
Japanese composer and pianist Joe Hisaishi will conduct the Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra at the Osaka Festival Hall, tomorrow, Wednesday, December 27th, in a special Christmas concert where he will also play the piano.
The program will be as follows:
- Stravinsky: Ballet music “The Firebird” complete
- Joe Hisaishi: Symphonic Suite “Princess Mononoke”
When: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 19:00h
Where: Osaka Festival Hall (Osaka, Japan)
Tickets: 8500-19000 JPY (54-121 €)- https://www.festivalhall.jp/en/events/on/2023/12/27/
More information: https://festivalhall.growone.net/eticket/eventDetail/query?SEQ=1034&fromPageId=EventSearch
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