2018-01-11 – 7:20 h
John Williams has offered an interview to Jon Burlingame for Variety, where he confirms that he will compose the music for Star Wars IX (directed by J.J. Abrams and scheduled for December 20, 2019).
He also talks about his recent work in ‘Star Wars – The Last Jedi’ and ‘The Post’, and ends the interview saying that he has no intention of retiring, with the following sentence that is worthy of being put in a frame:
“I feel very lucky, and the work that I do doesn’t depend on much. If your vision’s still good, and your hands — I have no arthritis in my hands and I play the piano very easily — I don’t think there’s any reason to deprive oneself of the fun of working. Music is so rewarding.”
Link to the interview: http://variety.com/2018/film/awards/john-williams-could-set-oscar-record-1202658996/