2017-10-28 – 15:13 h
Jean Cocteau’s stunningly beautiful 1946 cinematic masterpiece “La Belle et la Bête” (Beauty and the Beast) will be projected with the soundtrack composed by Philip Glass in 1994. His music replaces the film’s original music and dialogue with a classical opera, performed by live singers synchronized with the actors in the film.
Three special presentations hosted by LA Opera, will be held at the spectacularly restored Theatre at Ace Hotel, featuring four vocalists performing along with the Philip Glass Ensemble, conducted by Michael Riesman.
Tickets for 10/28 include admission to The Ace’s Beastly Ball (21+).
Tickets for 10/31 include admission to the Halloween After Party and LA Opera Costume Contest.
When: Saturday 28th and Tuesday 31st of October 2017 at 8:00 p.m.
When: Sunday 29th of October 2017 at 2:00 p.m.
Where: Theatre at Ace Hotel (Los Angeles, California, USA)
Tickets: $ 25-129 – https://www.laopera.org/season/1718-Season/Belle
Facebook Event (10/28): https://www.facebook.com/events/321287004982672/
Facebook Event (10/29): https://www.facebook.com/events/1341970799254751/
Facebook Event (10/31): https://www.facebook.com/events/1940656902813973/
Promotional video: