2018-03-19 – 10:35 h

The Italian composer Nicola Piovani will conduct tomorrow Tuesday, March 20th, the ‘Orchestra Della Toscana’ at the Verdi Theatre in Florence (Italy), performing his music from the films of Vittorio and Paolo Taviani, Roberto Benigni and Federico Fellini.


Hand program: https://issuu.com/orchestradellatoscana/docs/piovani_prog_issuu


When: Tuesday 20th of March 2018 at 9:00 p.m.

Duration: 75 minutes (no intermission)

Where: Teatro Verdi (Florence, Italia)

Tickets: 15-18 € – https://www.boxol.it/TeatroVerdi/it/event/orchestra-della-toscana—nicola-piovani-direttore/212356


Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/561193784247613/

More information: https://www.orchestradellatoscana.it/2017/10/26/martedi-20-marzo-2018/